After Prime Minister Laptop Scheme, Chief Minister Punjab has also started this scheme in the province. The best news is that 10 billion rupees have been allocated in the budget of Punjab for this program. This scheme has always been a wonderful opportunity for students to get free laptops for their higher studies.
The government has completed all arrangements to make this program a success and the process of distribution of laptops will be started soon. Although according to the official information so far, its success scenario is the same as before. Notably, students who have been successful in the past will not rejoin the program.
CM Punjab Laptop Scheme 2024
The Maryam Nawaz government has started this scheme to make it easier for the students in the field of education. Due to this they will be provided with free laptops which they can use for their further university or college studies. According to the final information so far, a quota of 10000 laptops has been kept which will be distributed to each division.
An open function will be held in each district of the province to inform the approved students. According to the government, the purpose of relaunching this program is to motivate the students. Most importantly, students have since appreciated this initiative and are confident that it will always be easy for them to get modern education. Maryam Nawaz says that thanks to this initiative, students will be able to realize their passion at the national level.
How to Apply Online in Punjab Laptop Scheme?
A web portal has been launched for the Government of Punjab regarding this scheme. It can also be applied online or through the university. Students who want to complete their registration in this program keeping in view their profile visit or after applying, students will be responded as per the required time, if they are eligible, they will be notified with the complete date.
Eligibility Criteria
The government says that the same criteria have been set for this project as for the PM scheme. HEC will help the students in this project to analyze the data. Below is the list of courses that students currently studying can easily apply from any university.
Degree Name | Duration |
O Level A Level MBA | 2 Years 2 Years 3.5 Years |
Masters (16 years) | 2 Years |
Undergraduate | 5 Years |
Undergraduate | 4 Years |
PhD | 5 Years |
MS/ MPhil | 2 Years |
Which Students May Not Be Eligible?
Since this program is also conducted by the federal government, students who have received laptops under this scheme will not be considered eligible. According to the information so far, this scheme will cover all the cities of Punjab. Also, students who have completed their course registration in 2024 will not be eligible.
Selection Requirements
- Students applying through the online portal will be notified immediately whether they are eligible or not eligible.
- The government has allocated CGPA for success in this case, so students whose percentage is less than the respective percentage will not be considered eligible.
- Students must obtain certificates from all recognized universities or colleges.
- Attestation of all documents by HEC.
- Institutions where there is discrepancy regarding students will not be eligible.
- The documents will be submitted by the focal person within the timeline.
- Quota system for distribution will be kept for each university or college.
- HEC will rank the merit list of approved students within 15 days.
- After the relevant date, the applying students will be filtered again.
Distribution Criteria
The government has taken initial steps to make the distribution as transparent as possible. Laptops will be given on degree basis and data of approved students will be obtained from HEC. Students who are in the middle stage of their degree will also be considered most useful for this scheme. Students joining 16-year degree programs will be given laptops on an emergency basis. Most importantly, those students who will not be able to get the laptop after fulfilling all the requirements will be approved for the next stage.
Punjab Laptop Scheme is definitely a great initiative for students. The government believes that this will give bright students an opportunity to showcase their skills in the practical field. The government has started receiving applications, so students who are eligible under this program need to apply online.